If you ever are able to take a trip to the central coast in California here is a list of fun things to do!
First: Go to Solveng, you will feel like you are in Denmar, try on some wooden shoes and eat an aebelskiver!
Second, walk out on the Pismo Beach Pier and watch the dolphins swim by and the big waves crash.
Then stay in a cute hotel on the cliffs and get cinnamon rolls from Old West Cinnamon Rolls-they are the BEST!
Take a nice morning walk along the beach!

Then head up and take a tour of Hearst Castle, it is so incredible! It was built back in the 1920s and he spent about 10 million dollars building it, I can't imagine how much that would cost today.

Visit one of his 3 pools (2 are outside and one is indoors)

You can then go to Grover Beach and drive your car along the sand and look for sand dollars

Also go to Moonstone Beach and look for moonstones (we didn 't find any)
We ended the trip where we started-on the Pier in Pismo! THis was such a fun trip, I cannot believe how beautiful the central coast is. There is so much to do and so many good places to eat-two must haves for a fun vacation!