Monday, June 10, 2013

iPhone Pictures

Its obvious that I haven't blogged in a looooong time. There's been a few reasons, 1. Cole, 2. No Internet, 3. No time 4. Not motivated 5. Instagram.

Those are just a few of the excuses I have used over the past few months. But we now have the Internet again, and not just on our phones so those other excuses now don't stand a chance. A LOT has gone on since i blogged last, I'm no longer working is one of them! It's great, and nice to not have to put in the time to a job i was no longer passionate about, at the expense of Cole. Besides that Cole is growing more and more each day, and finding a way to get me to fall more in love with him every day as well. I don't know how he does it, between his cute stares into my eyes, snuggles in the morning, giggles throughout the day, and the unconditional love he shows me, sure does win me over. Especially now that we sleep through the night, EVERY night now is beyond words exciting for the Davenport household. Chad probably feels like he finally has his wife back, and I feel like I have my life back.

Here are a bunch of pictures from the past 4 months or so:

Nothing more precious that a sleeping baby (4 months)

We matched, unintentionally

6 month checkup

He had really cute pants on, but he pooped in them and I didn't have an extra pair. So we went to Gap and Chad said to buy the cheapest pair, and there you have our dork for the day.

Easter, already giving bunny ears to Uncle Landon

Swimming in St. George (April)
City Creek with some of my sisters and brother

I love my little man!

"Back away from my drink Aunt Hayley"
 Two things that make Cole so happy - Grandma and the beach!!

We cheared our hearts out for Uncle Landon at his flag football game. All the boys on his team cried at some point for not making a touchdown, or getting their flag taken off.
Spending the day at our favorite place! Can you tell he loves being at the beach?

Happy Mother's Day!

I can't stand how cute babies are when they sleep!

Ladies for each arm!

Father and son!

Help I'm stuck!

Stuck again, except this time he has his cute big boy jammies on.

Universal City Walk this past weekend

My cute boys!

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