Well we finally did it, we got our own place to stay. After a year of moving frmo Utah we finally found a place to stay. Chad's parents made it hard to leave their home but we found a good place to rent and we both felt it was the right place to move into. Here are the details: Location-Redondo Beach, Sq. Ft: 1900, Year built: 1982, Bedrooms: 3, Bathrooms: 2 1/2, 2 car garage and small backyard. This home is for sale so we could be moving out soon but it is worth having a bigger place. I took some quick pics, we are still putting things together but this is what we have so far:
Living Room:
Dining Room:
Stairs leading to the upstairs:
2nd Bathroom (the bathrooms are very dated)

My favorite room-The Master, I love having a king size bed, and I am obessesd with these pillows)

Master Bath
July has been a very busy month so far. It was a lot of work getting moved in and we couldn't have done it w/o some members of our ward, Brent and Janice, and my mom! Thanks to all of you who helped.
2nd Bathroom (the bathrooms are very dated)
My favorite room-The Master, I love having a king size bed, and I am obessesd with these pillows)
Cute little backyard.
I need to get caught up in blogging, and will do so once we get internet in our new place. For now I am still coming to Chads parents to use their internet!