SO I haven't blogged in a while, and I just wrote an update on what we have been doing but somehow it got lost so now I am frustrated and will have to write a Readers Digest version of what I just wrote.
In July Chad and I both celebrated our birthdays, we went to Las Vegas for our birthdays and we also met up with my family in Huntington Beach to celebrate at BJs. We also had our 3-year Anniversery, I cant believe that we have been married for 3 years already. I don't even really remember what life was like not being married to Chad. He has been such a great support to me. Lately I have been really stressed out with working two jobs, and he is so good at listening to me and my complaints. I love this guy!

One of my best friends from High School is getting married and so we went to Palm Springs for a girls weekend. It was so much fun to spend the weekend with some of my best friends from high school. We decided this needs to be an annual occurrence.

My sisters have been home for the summer and I LOVE having them around. I cannot wait until they are done with school, and hopefully they will move back to California. I always tell them they have to marry someone from CA or someone that wants to live here otherwise I won't approve.

So that's a little bit of what we have been up to this summer. We have been back in California for a year now and love being here. I got a part time job at the beginning of the summer that is turning in to full time position in two weeks. I absolutely love this job, it is for a company called New Empire Entertainment, we provide insurance for the anything that deals with entertainment, like Movies, Recording Studios, Actors, the film equipment, etc. I have an amazing boss, I work right one the beach, I really couldn't ask for more. I am cutting down my hours at Cheesecake Factory which I am really excited about!
The house we are living in has sold and will be closing in the middle of September so we are moving out, but not door! This works out great because we love the area we are in and it will be nice to stay in the same ward.