I have attempted to blog many times but my computer takes so long to download pictures from my camera, and then to upload it just seemed like too much work, but I am finally doing it. I feel like not too much has changed with us (maybe thats also why I haven't been motivated to blog). But here are the few things taht we have done.
1. We went on a trip up the coast (back in September). Along the way we stopped in Pismo, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, Davenport (see pic below), San Fransisco and then to Chad's grandparents that live in Castro Valley. We love going up to San Fran riding the trolley, eating at Boudin's bakery, doing some shopping, and walking around Fisherman's Wharf.

2. We got invited to our first Murder Mystery dinner. It was at a gorgeous home in Palos Verdes, Chad's character was Hamlet and I was Rapunzel. We threw together costumes at the last minute, and tried to get into character as best we could.
3. On Saturday Chad played in the last beach tournament of the year, he played great. If only the weather would have stayed as sunny as it is in this picture it would have been a perfect day.
I passed my insurance test and got my license so now I am working full time with my Insurance job. I went super part time @ Cheesecake Factory just working 2 days a week, so needless to say I have been staying busy. (Another reason why I haven't been blogging).
The house that we are living in just sold so we will be moving by December 1st, not sure where yet but somewhere close by.
Wow I feel like I am laundry listing all the things we have been up to; kind of like I used to do when my mom would tell me I needed to write in my journal because someday I would look back and want to know what I was doing at that time. I hope I have not put you to sleep, speaking of sleep I could use some right now. Tonight is the first night of the time change and I am all thrown off. Goodnight.