Here I am with my sister Alyssa, cousins Savannah, Matt and Wesley. Matt just left for his mission to Tonga yesterday! He got to spend 6 days with his brother Danny before leaving.
Alyssa was teaching Matt how to tie his tie before we went to the temple, and my Grandma Dee is taking pointers in the background.
has been so fun spending the last week with my family. I really enjoy hanging out with my cousins, we are all getting older now and have become good friends. We still pull the same pranks on eachother, one of the boys always gets his nails painted and in retaliation they draw mustaches and unibrows on someone else.
When I was in high school I always wanted to be doing things with my friends, but now I have the most fun when I am with family. Its interesting how what is important changes. It was sad to say goodbye to my Mom and Landon this morning, I love having family around. This weekend would have been perfect if my dad, Hayley, Tanner, and McKenna could be here and especially Chad. I seem to miss him more when I was with family because I remember what its like to have someone around all the time. But luckily I am off to Dallas to see him in 1 WEEK! I cannot wait!