Wednesday, April 11, 2012


 I'm not an expert in this topic by any means but I am lucky to be surrounded by so many great examples. From my own mother, my mother-in-law, aunts, grandmas, sister-in-law, friends, etc. I have many woman I look up to and strive to be like. There are also other places we find ourselves looking to: other blogs, websites, magazines, Pinterest and the social network list goes on. My Aunt April has co-created a website called Power of Moms which is an amazing place for mothers to share and learn about this journey they are in. She wrote an article {click here to read} today about Motherhood that really hit me. I highly suggest you all, mothers or not to read this article. It's amazing, after reading it I felt so lucky that April is my aunt, I saw this link reposted all over Facebook and am so happy to see the influence that women like her are having on the rest of us.


April Perry said...

Thank you, Whitney! Love you. And can't wait for your little baby to be born!!

Madison said...

Thank you for sharing! I loved this!